Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Baby, Pirates and Grads.

Hi!  Well I see it's been a whole year since my last post... I have sat down six times in the last year to post and left it unfinished every time... life just kind of takes over sometimes and you have little time to yourself, then when you do have a moment, it is fleeting and sitting down not thinking is the best way to unwind.  My apologies to those that had been following my blog.

I am happy to say that since my last post, we conceived, carried and had another baby boy.  His name is Chase Joseph George Bennett and he is the sweetest little baby boy (aside from my other boys when they were babies...lol) that I have ever met!  So yes, if you have been keeping count... that's three boys for us!  So at 35 years old with three boys ages 17, 2 and 3 months I am also happy to say that I am done having babies... I am still open to adoption of a girl if the opportunity came up one day however, at this time we are not pursuing that avenue.  I am off on a maternity leave until next June and well there are some exciting things in our future but I am not ready to share with the world, just yet.  Let's just say there are big changes coming for us and I hope you will enjoy the journey with us!

Hunter just turned two and we had a pirate themed birthday party for him and his buddies.  I am going to write another blog about that one because I am just so happy with how everything turned out.  Hunter is a very sweet little boy who has alot of energy and keeps us all on our toes as any toddler should.  He loves his brothers and his Daddy to pieces, he likes his mom alot too but ever since his little brother came along, he definitely has gravitated toward his Dad.  He talks all day long and is starting to make sense of his words and getting so big and tall!

David started grade 12 this year and I am so excited for him to be on the homestretch heading toward graduation and ending his high school journey.  He will not yet be 18 when he graduates next year and I am so proud of him considering that it took me an extra couple years after my 18th birthday to graduate high school.  He has plans for college too, taking a trade of some sort, but he isn't sure what yet.  He works two days a week this year making some extra cash and gaining hours toward his apprenticeship.  When I think about seeing him graduate this year, I tear up.  I am going to be a basketcase, I can guarantee it.

Anyway, that's the quick update... I am off to watch a movie with David and his friends.  I hope (fingers crossed) to come back and keep up with the writing as it is something that I love to do... when I have time.


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